This weekend the band decided to play the part of fan, and go check out some local music here in Chicago. We can honestly say that Chicago is a hotbed for some really highly talented musical acts. If you have ever been to one of our shows you know that we always like to watch the other acts from the floor with our fans, we never hide back in the green room. As a band, we believe that celebrating this opportunity that all of you give us, is the most important thing we can do. That means we like to rock out with you too!
On Friday night a couple of us went to the House of Blues Chicago to see AM Taxi and Dot Dot Dot. Like good music fans we showed up early and unexpectedly discovered another great band in State and Madison. All in all the evening was a success, as we got the chance to chat with members of each band. By far, the highlight of the night was Marc Walloch of Company of Thieves who was filling in with AM Taxi. Marc's playing was spot on, and the tones he created with his vintage setup were nothing short of incredible and clearly the result of a man focused on his craft.
On Saturday we went to Double Door to see our friends Workout Music drop their long-awaited CD. As an added bonus, we got to see a lean, tight and energized set from Farraday as well. Our history is a bit intertwined with Farraday since we played their first show ever with them at The Cubby Bear early last year. The night at Double Door was awesome and full of sweat, high energy, a balloon drop and it was the best we have heard both bands maybe ever. Props to Manny Sanchez from I.V. Lab Studios.
What we realized this weekend is that we have truly been blessed to play in a city with so much talent and to have made so many good friends in the industry in such a short time. Bottom line, if you are ever sitting around your place and wondering ... what the hell should I do tonight ... chances are there is a great band playing somewhere in this city. Go out, take a chance, help us continue to pursue our dreams. Thanks!